I forgot to post this picture yesterday. We got lots of rain in Ames thursday night and half of the town got shut down on Friday. This was a cornfield off of I35.

Tomorrow is our anniversay so this morning we slept in a little and then went out for breakfast. After that we went back to work. As soon as we made it to the house the tub came in so a good portion of the day was spent picking up the tub and the necessary components to get it installed. Here is Sam double checking our drain installation. Notice the slotted overflow, this is a really cool Kohler soaking tub with pop up drain.

Ta da! No wait, that took all day test fitting, adjusting, swearing, and throwing things. The drain still needs to be installed but the hardware store closed earlier than we wanted. The centerline is a little bit different than the other tub so we had to move over all of the supply lines to match up. Soon, soon we can take a shower. One comment, although Kohler has really nice stuff their directions stink. In the future we will be better off not even looking at them.

Although progress is being made it looks like Sam and the cats might be camping out in the living room for a month or so until we get the upstairs move in ready.
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