Sunday, June 29, 2008
Moving, moving, moving
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dirty Duo Pictures

Nope I didn't loose a tooth, that's just mud in my mouth, and eye, and ear, and a few other places that I am still finding it.
The winners!
Needless to say I was tasting mud for a while afterward.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Elbow Grease
We are now at the point where everything we do takes a little bit longer since it's what we have to look at. We took a few loads of things down to the house and realized it needs to be cleaned before anything goes in. So while John kept at the tile, I started cleaning. First: vaccuum and steam clean the carpet in the living room.
Can you tell which side had been cleaned?
After: Oh wait, it's still drying. We'll post a pic after it is dry and re-vaccuumed. It only took 4 hours and a whole bottle of carpet cleaner before the water was less gray. You wouldn't believe what 15 years without a steam cleaning will do to beige carpet.
John started grouting the tile. It looks completely different with the grout. The depth of color is much better. This was time consuming, especially when John realized he had to grout everything twice.
Here is after the second time, with the top area buffed as well. When all is said and done, this is going to be a spa-quality bathroom. And I have to say, John is damn near professional when it comes to installing tile.
John also mounted the light in the shower so he'll have more light to work by. The shower is no longer a cave.
Here's a picture of the back of the house at night. If you look carefully, you can see me mopping the kitchen floor.
It was a successful day - the majority of the tile is grouted, the light is installed, it's safe to walk barefoot in the living room, the kitchen was completely wiped down, vaccuumed and mopped. Side note: the central vac is awesome. Hopefully the rest of the tile will show up tomorrow so we can finish that, and then we start to move!
Mud, Tile, and Tired
Friday, June 20, 2008
One last rehash
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Getting Old
Monday, June 16, 2008
Kansas Ironman 70.3 ... or 68.2??
I have to thank John, too, for being a fantastic spectator and supporter. I couldn't have done it without his support.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I'm so blue

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Rub a Dub Dub
John's got a blow torch in the tub! Today we finally were able to get running water out of the tub. Here's the close-up of John working and...
Here's the full picture. Kids, don't try this at home. Only experts drink while operating a blow torch. And no, this entry doesn't end in fire.
It works! And it doesn't leak! It's going to be one sweet tub when we're done. I can already dream of the bubble baths.
We were able to hang the majority of the tile backer. I love the Kohler tub, but something cheap and generic would have been easier to install and put backer around. It's like they expect high-end plumbing and fixtures to be installed by professionals. Good thing we watch a lot of HGTV. Being engineers helps as well.
John completely installed the exhaust fan and man, is that thing quiet. It's hard to see, but I temporarily rehung the window so there isn't a hole. I put it in just in the nick of time. Less than 5 minutes after it was in, a thunder storm opened up and it poured. Once the window is repainted and had it's new fixtures, it will look brand new. Or 'custom' as John would say. All in all, it was a very productive day, even with us sleeping in until 10 am.