Saturday, May 9, 2009


We closed on year ago Thursday. That means as of Monday this portion of the remodel has been going on a year. Good thing Sam got the carpet picked out today. It will take a couple weeks to order and get installed, but that will let us finish painting. We managed to limp through a 12 mile run this morning. Last night was a little Friday happy hour that turned into a happy 6 hours. My first year is over and it was a good night to celebrate. Sam continued to pull trim and paint in the house. The weather today was perfect and we used it to get the garden in. I rented a roto tiller to help rip up the grass and get things going. It only took a couple minutes of trying to do things by hand last weekend that convinced me there was a better way.
Working in some moss and manure. Tomorrow we will get things planted.

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