Wow, hard to believe that 2011 is finished. Looking back at the pictures, it was a busy year. Sam passed her 16 hour structural engineering licensure test in the spring and I passed my professional engineering test in the fall. We took trips to San Diego, Las Vegas, Golden, San Francisco, and Reno. We did some races, some went better than others. And we worked on more than a few house projects.
January 2011 started out very snowy.
February pretty much stayed the same.
Sam had two friends diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011. In the spring she dyed her hair pink and shaved it off. We also got some Boulevard chocolate ale.
In April the garden started off strong, but it turned out a tough year for the garden.
We started over with the front yard.
By May everything was looking great. Come June and later things didn't look so good.
We had some monster peas.
The annual tiki party was the first weekend in June. I smoked 5 pork butts on the new green egg. Turns out 50 people can not eat that much and we ate smoked pork for months.
By June the garden got sick, cause or causes are still unknown. The squirrels developed a taste for green tomatoes and we didn't get our first one until October.
We managed a few concerts in July, it was so hot. Even got Mark to come along to one, unbeknownist to him.
July and August were hot. Our running, outdoor time, and the garden interests wained.
In September Sam made a trip to the ER after a crash, which happened only a couple weeks before her big fall race. She attempted unsuccessfully to race that one in Texas.
In September Tentill Blue played a reunion concert at the Roe Circle Country Club.
In September we also added a 1965 Shasta trailer to the stable. It has project written all over it.
In preparation for Thanksgiving at our house, Sam worked on the new front door.
And got it completed.
We also managed to turn the furnace room into an official half bathroom.
For Thanksgiving we smoked a turkey on the green egg.
Made it back to Wisconsin for Christmas. Here is Sam practicing with our new tomato gun.
All in all it was a successful year.
In January we went to San Diego for Sam's company Christmas party and took a couple days to see Palm Springs.
And dinosaurs.
In February we made it to Las Vegas for an old college roommate's wedding.
In June we traveled to San Francisco to see the Dispatch reunion and saw some friends and drank some beer along the way.
In August we spent a weekend in Golden, and consequently also drank some more beers.

In November Sam and the girls headed to Las Vegas and I headed to Reno for the weekend.
It definitely was a year where we headed west. Wonder where the next year will take us.