Even though there are a few mustard greens left in the garden, the 2010 growing season is in the bag. This year was much more productive than last.

This year we switched from a standard garden to raised beds. I started all the seeds inside and had plenty of extra to go around. The hoop house worked so well I am going to built a second one for next year. We, for the most part, kept all the crops separate. The tomatoes and peppers got huge and had great production.


This year we planted:
Tomatoes: Mr. Stripey (3), Yellow Brandywine (3), and Romas (2)
Peppers: Green Bell (2), Yellow Bell (2), Jalapeno(2), Chili (1), and Cayanne(1)
Cucumber: English (3)
Summer squash (3)
Bush Beans (6)
The most southern beds were shaded and not as productive as the unshaded beds for the tomatoes and peppers.

Here's how the yield turned out.
Tomatoes: Mr Stripey (30 full grown, 3 little late season), yellow brandywine (12), Romas (154 full grown, 13 little late season)
Peppers: Green bell (8 full grown, 35 small late season), yellow bell (6), jalapenos (70 full grown, 50 small late season), chili (41 full grown, 17 small late season), cayenne (27)
Cucumbers (36)
Summer squash (3)
Basil (6 large bunches dried)
Beans (84)
Radishes (11)
Salad greens (2)
Carrots (32 small)
Things that worked, tomatoes, hot peppers, cucumbers. Things that didn't work so well, sweet peppers, summer squash, beets, leaks, salad greens, and spinach.
Since we cleared out a majority of the trees blocking half of the garden I am hoping we have a better year next. I am starting to get a feel of what we eat and what grows well. I think the first of January I will be starting seeds for next year, wow it won't be long.