This was a labor intensive weekend. Friday the dirt was delivered for the garden and Saturday John spent the morning disturbing some new running/biking trail. Saturday morning Sam pr'd in the Rock the Parkway half marathon. Sunday afternoon Sam rode 40 miles in the wind, getting ready for the half ironman in New Orleans. Needless to say, we are groaning like old people.
Last Saturday it snowed pretty much the entire day. The flamingo and tulips say it all. Not cool.

Friday at 3 we got a call saying the dirt was on its way. It was suppose to rain all Saturday so everything needed to get in the garden.

Seven tons of dirt later with help from Jerad and Brian and refreshments from Eric and Elise, the driveway was clear. The dirt was 1/3 topsoil, 1/3 sand, and 1/3 compost. The beds got a good coat of soybean oil sealer.

Mulch filled in around the boxes to keep us from getting muddy. Since it has been cold we put a hoop house on one of the boxes to raise the temperature and help kick off some of the plants.

A few PVC pieces and fittings later, there you have it. Even though it didn't get finished until later afternoon, the temperature was noticeably warmer inside.

And on top of everything, I got the concrete planter finished. Eric helped me move it into place. Just say this planter won't blow away in the wind.

Now Sam can get busy filling it. The bottom 2/3s will probably need to be foam.