Saturday the
Trail Nerds hosted the annual Veteran's Day run. It is probably the hardest 4-miler in Kansas and run at
Wyandotte County Park. Remember this part of Kansas is not flat, the only flat part at WyCo is the lake. The morning started out in the mid-30's but a dedicated crowd of 40 or so turned out to run. Dick Ross was there from
seeKCrun and as always did a great job with pictures. I couldn't say if the course was well-marked or not since I could run it with my eyes closed. This race is on part of our typical
Thursday night run course and in my opinion one of the most fun sections in the park.
Not thinking straight, first thing in the morning I ate a bunch of oatmeal. In retrospect that was not the best idea since it quickly turned into a lead ball in my gut. But my lead ball and I had a good day and a pretty quick run. My finishing time was just over 40 minutes, which isn't to shabby for this section of WyCo.

It really was a nice day for a run.

If you look closely at my left leg, I managed to cut it on something. Pretty impressive since the trail was clear, the plants have stopped growing for the year, and I didn't wipe out. I guess something just jumped up and bit me.
Sam is gone this weekend and took the camera so I will have to post house updates when she gets back. Jared and Chris stopped to lend moral support while I hooked up the sink drain. The mirror is hung and the sink drains so I tonight I am going to brush my teeth in the bathroom. It will be the first time the bathroom has been fully-functional since May 12th! I might just have a beer to celebrate.