Sam took her structural engineering exam last Friday and Saturday and I was at three conferences last week. So, needless to say we have been busy. Here is a quick update, although a couple weeks old now. It will help get caught up.
Here is the garden, circa April 1st. Six raised beds, two hoop houses, and lots of baby plants. The garlic is going crazy.

Under the hoops are onions and peas in this one, and greens of all sorts in the other one. The tomatoes and peppers have been pushed to the driveway since there is no room. I don't know how I managed with one hoop house last year because I'm full with two now.

Meteors? Nope, as soon as I turned my back the squirrels starting looking for gold. I managed to salvage most of the onions, but those tree buffalo are really pissing me off. By the way, if I started marketing tree buffalo meat, would anyone be interested?

Mark was almost ready to start drywalling next door and really needed an excuse. So we decided to tear up the front yard.

The grass was non-existent and with Mark redoing his
front yard, it seemed like an opportune time.

Since I was out of town Mark's crew had to do all the work. Interested in joining? All it takes is the standard uniform and a willingness to work for beer. No, you can't drive the bobcat.

Meanwhile, Monday Sam took a mental health day to recover from her exam. She spent most of the day planting in the back yard and making everything look pretty.
Ok, now you are all caught up. The garden is going crazy and there is plenty to do. Stay tuned