After traveling the last couple weekends it was nice to do nothing for once, almost.
The garden is coming along. We have a couple days of cool nights ahead and then the tomatoes will be going in. Here is the tentative garden layout. There are a few holes that will be filled in on the fly. The first planting of beans, broccoli, radishes, spinach, and lettuce have been in the hoop house for a few weeks. The squash, cucumbers, and peas also got planted this weekend.

tomato and pepper cages in for testing spacing. The wire trellises near the house are for the peas, cucumber, and summer squash.

The only bad thing about the hoop house is that I should have built two. There isn't any more room between the salad plants that are growing in the ground. For the cost of a few pieces of
pvc and plastic, it has been well worth it. I could have started the salad items during the first part of march. The plastic keeps everything pretty warm.

I ran the
free state trail marathon
Saturday morning. It was very muddy so the pace was slow going. I was under-trained and happy to finish.