We needed this long weekend to get some outdoor items wrangled. While working on inside projects the weeds have taken over. The short version is we ran, worked all day, ate BBQ, drank some beers, and did it all over again. With the homes tour only a couple weeks away, it's crunch time. We made 4 trips to home depot and one to the nursery. Other than outside stuff, Sam managed to get all of the trim touched up and the living room put back together.
Saturday morning the Roe Circle professional mowing team had an impromptu performance. Mow the lawn, check.

This weedy mess of a patio was our major work item. We had already pulled the large grasses and filled in one of the holes early in the year. That useless hole there in the middle had to go.

Our friend Mike came over to help with the manual labor. The hole took 24 bags of sand.

Halfway there. The extra pavers came from the renovation next door. The difficult thing with filling in a 60 year old patio is making everything look old.

Sam thinking hard about where to put the new plants.

In the front beds we put in new metal edging and mulched everywhere. This tree is a weeping blue atlas cedar. I have thousands of tiny cuts from working around the fountain grasses. My arms and legs burned most of the day from sweat and bug spray.

Hey look at that, pretty respectable. I need to continue sweeping up sand and washing the
pavers, but all in all we are ready for a party. Now that the grasses are gone and the holes are filled in, the patio looks huge. Plenty of room for a table and a

The pink elephant ears just have to stay alive until the homes tour.

Now after an exhausting day I am ready for a shower and bed. The supervisors called it a day early.