Thursday, May 10, 2012

Early May Garden Tour

I don't want to say it too loud, but the garden probably looks the best it ever has at this point in the season. All of the beds are up and running. This year we are putting pickling cucumbers in 4 of the beds.
Boy can we grow garlic. We used up the last of our frozen stock so it is time.

I was gone last week and got a little behind on the greens. These need to get significantly cut back.

This bed has some tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers. 

The peas are all blooming. Last year I did a pea rack which worked well but required a bunch of maintenance. This year I am trying a simpler approach. You can see the drip hoses. I got these installed early anticipating a hot and dry summer.

The last bed is more tomatoes and cucumbers with radishes interplanted. My peppers are just hanging out in the herb bed waiting for the peas to finish. Buying peppers in April was probably a bit ambitious. 

Don't scare it. The sungold cherry tomatoes actually have tomatoes. It has been pretty wet so hopefully the squirrels will leave these alone. 

Not a bad harvest. Greens and spinach are plentiful, radishes are coming, and some of the softneck garlic is ready. 

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